"Ichigo… I hate the rain. Rain falls in this world, too. When your heart is in chaos, this sky becomes clouded. When you are sad, rain falls so terribly easy. Can you understand… the horror of being pelted by rain in this solitary world? If only to stop that rain, I shall lend you any strength. If you trust in me, I will let no rain fall in this world. Ichigo, trust me. You are not fighting alone."
All creatures want to believe in something bigger than themselves. They cannot live without blind obedience. And to escape the pressure of that trust, those in whom faith is placed in turn look for someone higher than themselves. And then people in turn look for someone even stronger. That is how all kings are born. That is how all gods are born. -- Sōsuke Aizen to Shinji Hirako
If something sad happened in your life, I would be there for you. If something happy happened in my life, I would share it with you. If you strayed from the path, I would admonish you. If you committed an error, I would forgive you. If you found yourself in a predicament, I would provide a foundation on which you could stand. All in order to make this man that had lost his love for the world... be able to love the world once more. -- Sajin Komamura reflecting on his friendship with Kaname Tōsen
"Don't be mistaken. We haven't come here prepared to die. We're fighting to live. All of the protecting the world nonsense is nothing more than a grand cause with a nice ring to it. We're fighting so that we can live. So that you can live and to protect everyone else from Aizen's grasp" -- Suì-Fēng to Ichigo Kurosaki
"We Zanpakutō are nothing but weapons used for fighting. I think there's something in our hearts that we're lacking. I was proud of my powers. So I thought it would be nice to move about as I please and Muramasa took advantage of that weakness in my heart. Back then, I truly believed that I could do anything on my own. But this incident has made me realize otherwise. There's nothing a weapon such as myself can do... Without you there to serve as my heart, I am merely a weapon of destruction." -- Sode no Shirayuki to Rukia
"You think that you can strike me down if you suppress Ryūjin Jakka? How naive. How dizzyingly naive. Why do you think that I held the position of Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13 for a thousand years? It is because, in a thousand years, no Shinigami stronger than myself has been born." -- Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto to Sōsuke Aizen
"If you didn't tell me until now, you must have had your reasons. And that's your problem, not mine. I wouldn't know how to start. I can't think of any way of asking that wouldn't mean traipsing all over your feelings and staining them with dirt. So I'll wait. Until you decide someday that you want to tell me, until you decide it's time for me to know. Until that time comes, you don't have to say a thing." - Ichigo Kurosaki to Isshin Kurosaki
"Y'know it's useless now. I've been with Aizen-san for a long time an' this is the first time I've seen something like this. Well, I suppose that's a given since he went and absorbed the Hōgyoku while we weren't paying attention. You get it, right? There ain't nothin' more to be done. You an' all them folks are gonna get killed and that'll be all she wrote." - Gin Ichimaru to Ichigo Kurosaki
"Are you gonna sit there and cry about not being able to protect people again!? Think carefully about what Aizen heading to Karakura Town in Soul Society means. It means that all the people in Karakura Town, both the ones you want to protect and all the others, are gonna fall into Aizen's hands and die." - Isshin Kurosaki to Ichigo Kurosaki
"Look at this world! This world of yours, which was once a cluster of skyscrapers that thrust upwards at the hopeful heavens has been reduced to the scenery of that little town that is so familiar to you! The rain that continuously fell on this world may have stopped, but now everything has sunk to the bottom of this ocean! All of this, Ichigo, is because you fell into despair and halted your progress. Ichigo, I will not let you go on like this. Right here, right now, I'm going to drag out the source of your despair." - Tensa Zangetsu to Ichigo Kurosaki
"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that, at any given moment you could perish and vanish from existence." -Sōsuke Aizen to Gin Ichimaru
"Yeah. Your eyes've gotten strong. That's good. With you like that, I can leave this to you and hit the trail." Gin Ichimaru thinking to himself about Ichigo Kurosaki
"The act of saving a comrade in need should require no thanks." --Retsu Unohana to Shinji Hirako
"Do you really know enough to be able to answer my questions? No. You probably still don't even know a damn thing about your own family." -- Kūgo Ginjō to Ichigo Kurosaki
"Novices who get slashed by their enemy and nearly die shouldn't be telling their doctor to 'do this' or 'don't do that'." -- Ryūken Ishida to Uryū Ishida
"Ichigo, you may think you're hiding it, but to be honest you've been a sad sight since you lost your powers. You want to fight, right? Not being able to personally protect the people around you really gets to you, right? You don't have to hide it Ichigo, because feeling that way makes you who you are." - Yasutora Sado to Ichigo Kurosaki
"If you were to turn into a snake tomorrow and begin devouring Humans, and from the same mouth you devoured Humans, you cried out to me "I love you!" Would I still be able to say "I love you" the same way I do today?" - Gin Ichimaru
"I know that it's impossible! But I won't give up, no matter how many times I fail!" - Seizo Harugasaki to Ikkaku Madarame
"Don't you get it!? You're not a Shinigami now! You're fighting with a flesh and blood body!! Have you fought too long in a spirit body and lost your sense of reality!? You're flesh and blood! You can die!! If you keep on taking my attacks with your flesh and blood body then you're gonna get beat to a pulp and die!!" - Jackie Tristan to Ichigo Kurosaki
"I don't care about "subtle". If you don't want to get hurt then don't attack until I say it's all right." Orihime Inoue to Kūgo Ginjō
"Sorry, kid. I know my villain act is not the greatest performance in the world." - Kūgo Ginjō to Ichigo Kurosaki
"It could be that our friends and family will just see us as deranged murderers and carry on believing that we're the ones in the wrong. However, whether it will fix this or whether it won't, in order to get Tsukishima out of their lives killing him is the only option we have left! Can you do it? Do you have the resolve to take his life even with no guarantee things will change?" - Kūgo Ginjō asks Ichigo Kurosaki if he can kill Shūkurō Tsukishima
"Ichigo, these fools do not realize that it will take far more than this farce to drive you to despair. They do not understand how many times you have faced certain despair and emerged victorious! Show them, Ichigo! Make them see that despair holds no power over you!" - Rukia Kuchiki to Ichigo Kurosaki
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Source URL: https://funcartoongallery.blogspot.com/2011/09/bleach-quotes-and-sayings-page1.htmlZangetsu
All creatures want to believe in something bigger than themselves. They cannot live without blind obedience. And to escape the pressure of that trust, those in whom faith is placed in turn look for someone higher than themselves. And then people in turn look for someone even stronger. That is how all kings are born. That is how all gods are born. -- Sōsuke Aizen to Shinji Hirako
If something sad happened in your life, I would be there for you. If something happy happened in my life, I would share it with you. If you strayed from the path, I would admonish you. If you committed an error, I would forgive you. If you found yourself in a predicament, I would provide a foundation on which you could stand. All in order to make this man that had lost his love for the world... be able to love the world once more. -- Sajin Komamura reflecting on his friendship with Kaname Tōsen
"Don't be mistaken. We haven't come here prepared to die. We're fighting to live. All of the protecting the world nonsense is nothing more than a grand cause with a nice ring to it. We're fighting so that we can live. So that you can live and to protect everyone else from Aizen's grasp" -- Suì-Fēng to Ichigo Kurosaki
"We Zanpakutō are nothing but weapons used for fighting. I think there's something in our hearts that we're lacking. I was proud of my powers. So I thought it would be nice to move about as I please and Muramasa took advantage of that weakness in my heart. Back then, I truly believed that I could do anything on my own. But this incident has made me realize otherwise. There's nothing a weapon such as myself can do... Without you there to serve as my heart, I am merely a weapon of destruction." -- Sode no Shirayuki to Rukia
"You think that you can strike me down if you suppress Ryūjin Jakka? How naive. How dizzyingly naive. Why do you think that I held the position of Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13 for a thousand years? It is because, in a thousand years, no Shinigami stronger than myself has been born." -- Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto to Sōsuke Aizen
"If you didn't tell me until now, you must have had your reasons. And that's your problem, not mine. I wouldn't know how to start. I can't think of any way of asking that wouldn't mean traipsing all over your feelings and staining them with dirt. So I'll wait. Until you decide someday that you want to tell me, until you decide it's time for me to know. Until that time comes, you don't have to say a thing." - Ichigo Kurosaki to Isshin Kurosaki
"Y'know it's useless now. I've been with Aizen-san for a long time an' this is the first time I've seen something like this. Well, I suppose that's a given since he went and absorbed the Hōgyoku while we weren't paying attention. You get it, right? There ain't nothin' more to be done. You an' all them folks are gonna get killed and that'll be all she wrote." - Gin Ichimaru to Ichigo Kurosaki
"Are you gonna sit there and cry about not being able to protect people again!? Think carefully about what Aizen heading to Karakura Town in Soul Society means. It means that all the people in Karakura Town, both the ones you want to protect and all the others, are gonna fall into Aizen's hands and die." - Isshin Kurosaki to Ichigo Kurosaki
"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that, at any given moment you could perish and vanish from existence." -Sōsuke Aizen to Gin Ichimaru
"Yeah. Your eyes've gotten strong. That's good. With you like that, I can leave this to you and hit the trail." Gin Ichimaru thinking to himself about Ichigo Kurosaki
"The act of saving a comrade in need should require no thanks." --Retsu Unohana to Shinji Hirako
"Do you really know enough to be able to answer my questions? No. You probably still don't even know a damn thing about your own family." -- Kūgo Ginjō to Ichigo Kurosaki
"Novices who get slashed by their enemy and nearly die shouldn't be telling their doctor to 'do this' or 'don't do that'." -- Ryūken Ishida to Uryū Ishida
"Ichigo, you may think you're hiding it, but to be honest you've been a sad sight since you lost your powers. You want to fight, right? Not being able to personally protect the people around you really gets to you, right? You don't have to hide it Ichigo, because feeling that way makes you who you are." - Yasutora Sado to Ichigo Kurosaki
"If you were to turn into a snake tomorrow and begin devouring Humans, and from the same mouth you devoured Humans, you cried out to me "I love you!" Would I still be able to say "I love you" the same way I do today?" - Gin Ichimaru
"I know that it's impossible! But I won't give up, no matter how many times I fail!" - Seizo Harugasaki to Ikkaku Madarame
"Don't you get it!? You're not a Shinigami now! You're fighting with a flesh and blood body!! Have you fought too long in a spirit body and lost your sense of reality!? You're flesh and blood! You can die!! If you keep on taking my attacks with your flesh and blood body then you're gonna get beat to a pulp and die!!" - Jackie Tristan to Ichigo Kurosaki
"I don't care about "subtle". If you don't want to get hurt then don't attack until I say it's all right." Orihime Inoue to Kūgo Ginjō
"Sorry, kid. I know my villain act is not the greatest performance in the world." - Kūgo Ginjō to Ichigo Kurosaki
"It could be that our friends and family will just see us as deranged murderers and carry on believing that we're the ones in the wrong. However, whether it will fix this or whether it won't, in order to get Tsukishima out of their lives killing him is the only option we have left! Can you do it? Do you have the resolve to take his life even with no guarantee things will change?" - Kūgo Ginjō asks Ichigo Kurosaki if he can kill Shūkurō Tsukishima
"Ichigo, these fools do not realize that it will take far more than this farce to drive you to despair. They do not understand how many times you have faced certain despair and emerged victorious! Show them, Ichigo! Make them see that despair holds no power over you!" - Rukia Kuchiki to Ichigo Kurosaki
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